Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Next MRI

Well, my next MRI is April 24th, and I meet with my Oncologist on May 5th for the results. I also meet with my Neurologist that day to discuss my seizures, though I'm good on that front. My anemia is borderline, meaning I'm teetering at 7-9 while anything under 10 for a woman is anemic, so I definitely have to address this with them in May. My other issue has improved drastically. My Mom tells me that just the thought of surgery scared my body. haha. I say there was truth to my Vitamin D and Vitamin C intake, but what do I know, it's not like I'm a Dr. :) Having said that, I also am hitting the gym with the hubby. That can only be a good thing. Time will tell, and in about a month or so, I'll know what's going on in my head. This time around.
